(Post 57) Feedback of final cut

Feedback on my final cut:
I got the feedback for my final cut off of Facebook Messenger and through texting.
"I thought the idea was really unique and original. Th editing really tied it all together and I thought the editing was really good. You paid clear attention to the framing and editing and I thought it was really well done for a student video. I thought it was really professional, especially for a student-made video" Emily-
"I really liked the camera work especially! There was clear attention to framing, and I thought there was varied shots. She clearly used a good camera, as the video had quite good quality." Sam-
"It was really good. The story made lots of sense and the plot was really interesting and clear." Tracey-
"There is clear development since the rough cut. In the rough cut, the clips held on for more length than needed, which made it feel rather awkward and dull. In the new version, the clips have been cut down where possible, which creates a more interesting feel."
"I think it was really well done! I loved the parallel between the characters and thought it really showed the two sides of a relationship."
"The story was charming and I really enjoyed it."
"I felt that the representation of the LGBT+ relationship was really well done, and was glad that you focused on an LGBT+ relationship rather than a heterosexual one."
"The mise-en-scene was really good. The small uses of props and locations really allowed for a realistic feel. For example, the change in location really allowed for the relationship to feel real. It made it feel as if the couple were really open and made it felt like they were a real couple, rather than two actresses. The costume made this feel more real too, as the actresses changed costumes lots. This made it feel more real and presented more of a developing relationship rather than just a stagnant one."
Chloe-"I thought it was great! The idea was unique and interesting and allowed for an entertaining watch. It left me with questions and I really wanted to know what happened to make them split up and if they were going to get together again."
